Auditions Announced for Spring 2024 Production

Theatre Nouveau, situated in Belfast and Midcoast Maine’s new theatre with a contemporary social conscience, is auditioning for their third production, 

The Online Bride, a comedic/farcical mash-up of plays by Moliere and William Wycherley, with a “smidgen” of Oscar Wilde thrown in. Penned by Artistic Director, Suzanne Ramczyk, the play is a “send up” of outdated notions of the role of married women in contemporary society, in addition to charlatans professing new-age approaches to medicine and wellness, and the dark side of the Internet. The production is highly energized and accented by several choreographed movement sections.

Performances are set for May 30th through June 8th at the Basil Burwell Theatre in Belfast. Rehearsals will begin on April 21st and are scheduled from 6:00 to 9:30 on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Belfast. (95 Court St.)

Synopsis: Argan is the aging and hypochondriacal patriarch of the family, who purchases a young, “innocent” bride on the Internet. He hopes to marry someone who will fit the stereotypical 1950s housewife and whom he will be able to shield from the ways of young 21st century urbanites. He is obsessed with maintaining youthfulness and employs two health-fitness-wellness-spiritual advisors (who are charlatans) towards achieving his goal. 

The bride arrives from Los Angeles but she is not quite what he bargained for. Soon after, Jack Horner, who is hired to design and make the bride’s dress, arrives with Cleante, Julie’s (Argan’s younger daughter) fiance. Jack and the bride are immediately attracted to each other; Horner decides to present himself as a “castrato” (eunuch) so that he can be alone with the bride and have fun with others in the process. Horner and June (the bride) fall in love and commit to each other.

Throw in Argan’s level-headed sister and his two daughters, along with the Internet’s “Alexa,” and madness ensues! Everyone is in love with either Jack or the bride - or both; Argan tries to tame his young bride and suffers imaginary heart attacks in the process; “Alexa” (the voice of the Internet) intrudes; sexual exploits are suggested between Horner and others; physical fights ensue; and Argan must take his veritable “pratfall” at the end so that he gets his comeuppance!  All the lovers unite and commit to each other though not in traditional marriage.


We are looking to cast at least six of the ten roles in the play as follows: 

JACK HORNER: (M. 20s –  early 40s): Modeled after Wycherley’s Horner in The Country Wife, he pretends to be a “castrato” (a eunuch) in order to seduce the young bride. 

JUNE, the bride: (F. late teens-30s). Modeled after Wycherley’s Country Wife, she is the presumed young and innocent fiancée that Argan (the patriarch) orders online, whom he tries to shield from the outside world. However, she “actualizes” herself in the course of the play, thereby becoming a strong, independent young woman who can make her own decisions. She falls in love with Jack Horner.

TINA: (F. 20s – “40s) Modeled after the charlatan “doctor” in Moliere’s The Imaginary Invalid, and Moliere’s tricky servants, she is one of Argan’s fitness and wellness coaches who will profess whatever it takes to for financial gain. (Actor must move well.)

ANGIE OR ANGEL (F/M/Non-Binary 20s to 50s) Modeled after the charlatan “doctor” in Moliere’s The Imaginary Invalid and Moliere’s tricky servants, she is one of Argan’s fitness and wellness coaches who will profess whatever it takes to for financial gain.

SUSANA: (F. 20s to 40) Argan’s eldest daughter: opinionated, a feminist, intelligent, and out-spoken. Calls out her dad regarding his sexist and, what she perceives to be, his unenlightened ways. (Actor must move well.)

JULIE: (F. late teens to early 30s) Argan’s younger daughter, very feminine, engaged to Cleante. Not as confrontational as Susana.

Note: Actors playing Tina, Angie(Angel), Susana, and Julie will play other small roles


Audition Times

Auditions will be held at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 95 Court St., Belfast, on SUNDAY, FEB. 25TH and MONDAY, FEB. 26TH, with Callbacks on TUESDAY, FEB. 27TH at 6:00 pm – 9:30.  Actors are welcome to arrive any time from 6-8:30. Actors unable to make it on the 25th or 26th may come to callbacks on the 27th.

Audition “sides” can be provided by sending a resume to If you do not have a resume, please include your necessary personal info and a list of your acting experience so that you will be sent an appropriate side. 

We perform at the Basil Burwell Theatre, 17 Court St., Belfast, ME

Any other questions or concerns may be sent to


Our mission is  to enrich our community with quality theatre productions that push the boundaries of theatre in order to create inspirational and transformative works that incite thoughtful dialogue. Our provocative and entertaining plays address contemporary relevant social issues primarily through the reimagining of the classics and presentation in intimate performance venues.


A Message from the Artistic Director, April 3, 2024


Theatre Nouveau Casts Second Production, AddictionSpeaks Again, a contemporary tragedy